Watching this Mammoth sunflower finally come into bloom has been better than Christmas. I had such a difficult time getting my sunflowers to grow this year! Too many critters (Birds? Squirrels? Cut worms? Cats?) thinking that my sunflower sprouts were mighty tasty and fun to dig up. This guy didn’t hit the dirt till almost July, he is one of three, they were the last batch of sunflower seeds that I started and transplanted.
Of the Mammoths that made it, this is the first one and I think the only one that will get the big sunflower head. The other two are tall, but its so late in the season I just don’t think they will have the opportunity to develop as much as this one. It stands about ten feet tall and now the head is so heavy its completely facing the ground. So now, come what may, I am fine with it.Will it be the wind? The birds? The squirrels? Who knows. Time will tell.
August 27, 2016

September 1, 2016

September 2, 2016

September 5, 2016

September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016

September 10, 2016